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Mostly Nitpicking

Jun 26, 2024

Finally, a Pixar movie we can all relate to!

This week Nando, DJ, and Diggins travel through an overcomplicated series of tubes and wind up back in the brain of everyone's favorite Riley to watch the movie that some have called "it made money!!! FINALLY ONE OF THESE MADE MONEYYYY!!!!" Inside Out 2.

They nitpick the anxiety, the hockey, and of course the dads.



DJ - The Boys (show), Love Undercover (show), Arcs (game), Penny Black (game)

Diggins - Porco Rosso (movie)

Nando - The Boys (show), Hit Man (movie), Hit-Monkey (movie), Fantasmas (show), We Are Lady Parts (show)



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Mostly Nitpicking theme by Nick Porcaro

Logo by Michelle Chapman