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Mostly Nitpicking

Aug 19, 2024

Hope you played just enough of the games to understand what a Siren is but not enough to care when they mess most of it up.

This week Nando DJ and Diggins drop onto the loud and raunchy ultraviolent planet of...oh we can't do raunchy or ultraviolent any more? Okay. Nando DJ and DIggins drop into the loud and tame average amount of violent planet of Pandora to watch the movie that reminded everyone that yes, video game adaptations don't have to be fun, Borderlands.

They nitpick the psychos, the vaults, and of course the reshoots.



DJ - Yelling at Australia (catharsis), Sheriff of Nottingham (board game)

Diggins - The Shadowrun trilogy (games)

Nando - The Power Fantasy #1 (comic)



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Roses and Rejections

Diggins' Substack - A Little Perspective

All of Nando's Links


Mostly Nitpicking theme by Nick Porcaro

Logo by Michelle Chapman