Jun 24, 2020
It's Die Hard but with fairies! Like...its not but that was the original idea. It's more like A Good Day to Die Hard but with Power Rangers who do a Batman voice.
This week, Nando, DJ, and Diggins surf and then one wheel down to Fowl Manor to watch one of the worst book adaptations of all time. Disney+'s Artemis...
Jun 9, 2020
Long ago, one cartoon was on top of the world. Then, everything changed when M Night attacked.
This week, Nando, DJ, and Diggins take to the sky to nitpick one of the worst movies...ever, M Night Shyamalan's The Last Airbender.
They nitpick the actors, the effects, and of course the bending.
Jun 1, 2020
Scooby Doobie Doo! Where are you? You've got some portals to Hell to close, now.
This week, Nando, DJ, and Diggins finish their three part series on the road to Scoob! by watching 2020's Scoob!
They nitpick the superheroes, the ghosts, and of course the portals to hell.