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Mostly Nitpicking

Jan 30, 2015

It's not TV. It's Reckless Speculation! This week we sit down with fellow podcaster Nick Berrios to talk about the best network in all of creation, the Home Box Office or HomeBO for short or HBO for shortest. DJ thinks HBO will be forced to put Game of Thrones on hold until the new books are written because no one has...

Jan 26, 2015

Big week guys! Big week! We are one week into our Craziest Captain bracket. The amount of votes we are getting is kinda insane. We bring back frequent quest and fellow podcaster Nick Berrios to go through the results of the first round. Nick even knows who some of the guys are! Not all but some. We have a bunch of crazy...

Jan 21, 2015

It is clear that 2015 is going to be the biggest single year for movies since possibly 1994. We have assembled Nando and DJ, along with faithful guest Chris Diggins, to speculate about some of the possible successes and failures that we can look forward to this year. Obviously mega hits like Avengers and Star Wars will...

Jan 21, 2015

This week DJ and graphic designer Michelle Coraci sit down to talk with one of the Captains from our Craziest Captain bracket. Digger Harkness a.k.a. Captain Boomerang stops by to give us some insight into his boomerang themed process. He gives us a behind the scenes look at the recent drama concerning the Suicide Squad...

Jan 20, 2015

This week we have graphic artist Michelle Coraci on to talk about more Crazy Captains. We take a closer look at the round one match ups between the Space, Sea, Superhero, and Other divisions of our Craziest Captains bracket. Some patterns emerge. Are all of the space captains intent on killing their crew members? Are...