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Mostly Nitpicking

Dec 30, 2017

Finally, someone with an opinion on Star Wars: The Last Jedi! Nando, DJ, and Star Wars expert Alex Lee band together to figure out whether the new Star Wars movie was the best Star Wars movie ever or a big mess. SPOILER ALERT: They still don't know.

Dec 15, 2017

This week, Chris Diggins joins Nando and DJ to ask the tough questions like "Are Porgs Amazing?" "Is The Force Awakens Any Good?" "What business does Batman v Superman being so long?" and "Why can Detective Pikachu Talk?". Diggins also gives his opinions on the merits of movies about people that are romantically...

Dec 7, 2017

This week, friend of the show Tom joins Nando and DJ to announce the winners of the Final Four round of the Maddest Bracket Status Bracket of Bracket Winner. The guys talk about the final match up and talk about some Marvel, DC, and dinosaur news.

Dec 1, 2017

This week, Nando and DJ are joined by friend of the show and Mad Bracket Status theme creator Nick Poracro who helps reveal the Final Four round of the Maddest Bracket Status bracket.